“You were only one who answered.”
Now…I am not one to usually answer from numbers I don’t know. But, I am certainly glad that on this particular day at this particular time…that I did.
Last month, I was sitting at my desk (as I usually do) and a verified number with a photo came up on my phone. I knew had to be a person (I had hoped…and had a good feeling) since it wasn’t an 800 number and there was a photo.
“Hello?” ( I always answer in my most robotic tone…..the regular tone comes on as soon as I know it’s a human.)
“Hi. Is this Emily?”
“Yes?” ( Nervous now…)
“Hi. My name is Corey and me and my fiancé are coming down from Kansas at the end of August to elope. I found you on google and you’re the 8th person I’ve called. You’re the only one who answered. Do you take wedding pictures?”
Do I take wedding pictures?? Heck yes.
From there, we proceeded to Zoom and plan Bonnie and Corey’s dream elopement. Being from Kansas, they wanted to have their special moment by the beach. They had originally met working at Pizza Hut and would come back into one another’s lives a few years down the road to reconnect. We talked about what was important to them and fortunately for me, I was given full creative liberty. I was able to guide them from A. to Z. and let them know what they needed before the day to make it official. After all the permits, planning and traveling we met for a sunrise elopement with two of their closest friends and made it official.
These two were absolute naturals and 5:45 am never looked so good 🙂 We even planned to include a pizza as a tribute to their meeting place. It was delivered by their friend Leo (who also happened to be on box. Cowabunga, dude!) Cold pizza and warm love was just the thing to cap off a beautiful morning.
Congratulations, Bonnie and Corey! Wishing you both many years of happiness and adventure!
